Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Test run, Marriage screed

This right here is a test run of using blogspot, and all of it's ins and outs with exporting to other sites and posting pictures and whether you can see it and all that noise.

I've been reading lately, as well as listening to a lot of gripes about how marriage is this sacred thing that is falling apart in our big cold mechanical society.

The original intent of getting married and having shit loads of children was all a financial/survival trip. You had to have kids to help you work on the farm and take care of you when you got old. You needed to lock into a contract with a mate to make and keep these children in one place under your roof working for you. You had to have 10 kids to ensure that 3 or 4 survived long enough to reach 6 years old so they could start working for you and making money. You stayed a virgin till you were married so you would not have random children before you could properly lock them into contract and make them your commodity. You also got married at 14, and died at 30 so this was not really such a chore.

Till death do us part meant: for the next 5 years till you die in childbirth.

What does that say about our vile and a-moral modern society? If you are married for even 10 years before divorce, you have outlasted every good pure and wholesome union of the "good old days". Also, kids now COST money, and you don't need to get married at all or have them in the first place because of the way our civilization now works, and because we have things like birth control. The only reason left to do this whole song and dance is for love and companionship.

My point is: people look back through these warm fuzzy rose colored lenses at the old world of child labor, infant mortality, arranged marriages, the basic enslavement of women and short gruesome lifespans. They tear down our current society and scream about how important all of these old traditions are, when in fact they were only born out of necessity under the pressure of a hostile, disgusting and far less civilized era.

The world we live in now is a lot closer to what any kind loving "god" would want to see for his progeny. Compared to when the bible was written-we live in safe, clean, loving land of plenty. Yes, it is all relative, and we have a long way to go, but most people don't realize just how fucking horrible things used to be.

There is no reason to get married, there is no reason to NOT let gay people get married, if you want kids go right ahead, if not, whatever. Fuck whoever you want, because your ass is gonna live to be 100, so you had better make the best of it.Rev. John


  1. Good article Rev, I definitely agree

  2. Test worked on Google reader. Great post. I never thought of having tons of kids as profitable, although if you ask Octo-mom, Jon + Kate, and the Duggars they'll tell you having lots of kids makes you money in todays age.

  3. Good points there.

    BlogSpot is pretty good. It is the site I use. WordPress seems to give you a bit more freedom to customize the appearance of your page, which is a plus. If you were thinking of using this for your band as well, that could be good for branding purposes. Here, though, you run through your Google account, which is convenient.
